Workshop: Oscillations Everywhere!

Oscillations Everywhere!

(Workshop Proposal)


An Introduction to Musical Imagination & Experimental Improvisation


experimental music; improvisation; working with sound; live performance; non-standard; no-training; sound and music in and on the edges of visual art practice; sound and music is art too; instruments, objects, computers; politics, vibrations, bodies, ideas.

What is it about

During the workshop we will learn about experimental and improvised musical performance, sound and noise: through practical activity, listening, and historical examples. We explore radical, emphatic and challenging music, sound and performance which blurs the distinction between the contexts of art and music. We will look at the relationships of improvised play to structure and place.

Live music is an imaginative way of thinking, feeling, organising materials and communicating with others, where body and thinking are deeply entangled in potentially strange and brilliant ways. Music is an opportunity to do things differently: to think and feel in new, organic and strange ways. This workshop takes as a start point the idea that music is always more than sounds in time. Music can be many things at once: disruptive and generous, accesible and radical, physical and synthetic. Approaching music as an experimental way of doing things can grow new organic real and imaginary worlds!