Music Living Landscape Workshop Description

Workshop: Music as a living landscape Workshop Part one: "skotamo"

Workshop led by artist-filmmaker Keira Greene in collaboration with musician and researcher Paul Abbott

Wednesday 8 March 2023, 10:00-17:00 at "Studio 3" (old radio studio), Royal Conservatoire Antwerp

In this workshop we will explore how imaginary music can grow us together in new, strange, organic ways.

We think that imagining music can be a special condition which allows us to be together—learning, playing, sharing, caring—simultaneously, in very different, unique and unknown new ways.

This will be a playful and experimental practical workshop which will involve group and individual body movement exercises and listening practices. We will explore non-verbal processes, music beyond sound, practices of attention, improvisation.

This will be the first of a two part workshop series, the second, related workshop "da", will happen later in the year. Those attending this first workshop are encouraged to attend both, and will have priority to reserve a place for the second part.

This workshop is organised by musician and researcher Paul Abbott, as part of his research project 'WE GROW MUSIC! Ecologies of attention, discrepancy and multiplicity—real and imaginary—in embodied music performance' at the Academy and the Conservatoire.

For who?

Anyone interested in what we will explore: students and non-students.

This workshop is intended to be as open as possible: no musical or artistic training, performance experience or language is necessary. If you have any of these, you are also welcome.

Note: this is not focused on instrumental music making - you do not need to bring any musical instrument or sound source.

How to participate?

For maximum 12 people.